Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry, de Malcolm C. Duncan

Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry

de Malcolm C. Duncan

Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry


Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry

Domeniu: Religie si spiritualitate

Editura: Publicaţie independentă

Autor: Malcolm C. Duncan

Starea cărții: Foarte bună

Nr. pagini: 288

Anul apariţiei: 1976

74,00 RON
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The fraternal society of the Masonic Order, steeped in mystery for over 600 years, is brought to light in a fascinating volume that serves as a guide for neophytes as well as a reference for the initiated.

"The purpose of this work is not so much to gratify the curiosity of the uninitiated as to furnish a guide for the neophytes of the Order, by means of which their progress from grade to grade may be facilitated. Every statement in the book is authentic, as every proficient Mason will admit to himself, if not to be public, as he turns over its pages. The non-Masonic reader, as he peruses them, will perhaps be puzzled to imagine why matters of so little real importance to society at large should have been so industriously concealed for centuries, and still more surprised that society should have been so extremely inquisitive about them."

Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry reveals the spiritual paths taken by inductees as they move through each initiated degree of enlightmentment: Mark Master, Past Master, Most Excellent Master, and the Royal Arch. The Freemasons' rituals, arcane symbols and mystical doctrines are also probed, and accurate explanations of gestures, tools and terms are accompanied by more than 100 illustrations and original engravings. The work is a fascinating exploration of the theories and practices of the world's most enduring secret society.


Cartea “Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry” de Malcolm C. Duncan a apărut la editura Publicaţie independentă în seria de Religie si spiritualitate, se află în stare foarte bună, conține 288 pagini și poate fi comandată online.
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